TR-E 100

TR-E 100

100 mg/ml
Ingredient(s) / Dosage
  • Trenbolone Enanthate 100 mg/ml

What is Trenbolone Enanthate?

Trenbolin, Tren, Fina-100 are the most popular names of the Trenbolone on the area. Trenbolone Enanthate is a modern steroid drug. It is based on the active substance Trenbolone (parabolan) with the binding of the enanthate ester. The drug has a number of universal functions that make it one of the main steroids used by athletes in the pre-competition period. The steroid is used in various sports disciplines, has gained wide popularity in bodybuilding, athletes appreciate trenbolone for its quality of gaining muscle mass, burning fat and increasing strength. The active substance of the drug is androgenic anabolic steroid in 5 times more powerful then natural testosterone. It is very strong product with many positive properties and low probability of side effects appearing.

The first thing to note is the duration of its action, the period of Trenbolone Enanthate in the body is about 10-14 days after the last injection, while the half-life is 7-8 days. Thus, there is no need for frequent injections (1 to 2 times a week is enough to achieve maximum effect).

It will be important to say that Trenbolone Enanthate is a powerful anabolic steroid with strong androgenic activity. Because this drug is not recommended for beginners, this remedy is more suitable for experienced athletes who have already completed quite a few courses behind previously.

Trenbolone has really strong influence on the athlete’s body. It’s like Nandrolone by the structure, but more modified. This drug’s changing cause that it can’t aromatize, the probability to interaction with 5 alpha reductase enzyme was excluded. It also means that this product can’t metabolize to dihydrotestosterone. Modifications let the drug interact with androgenic receptors better.

Adding the ether Enanthate to this steroid was done first in 2004. It allowed using the drug less often than its opponent the ether Acetate.

The effect after the injection of Trenbolone Enanthate lasts during the week and allows to make less amount of injections.

The influence on the organism under the action of Trenbolone: Increased appetite; Fat burning effect; Mass gaining; Glucocorticoid hormones counteraction; Increasing of the power; Better oxygenation; Acceleration of the metabolic processes in the organism.

The drug has influence on the production of red blood cells. These cells are responsible for the oxygenation of organism – more cells to better the process of transfer oxygen by the body. In the result of increasing the amount of oxygen in the blood, athlete’s organism can work more productive. Such properties are useful not only in bodybuilding.

Trenbolone is a drug that has positive properties in many areas of using. It is number 1 drug for bodybuilders. During its usage a sportsman feels power and assimilates proteins and carbohydrates better – it is nice energy accumulation for future trainings.

Application during the mass gaining phase, this drug can be used alone on the course, as it gives  nice dry muscles and rollback effects will not escape you from reached muscle volumes. Water accumulation also doesn’t take place, so mostly all gained mass stays with you after the end of the course.

The Trenbolone Enanthate dosage 200-400mg a week gives offers great results and majority sportsmen don’t need a bigger dose.

The drug was recommended itself for use during the preparation for competition. It doesn’t contribute water accumulation and burns fat effectively.

The dosage of 150-300mg a week depends on the necessary result.

The course of application for  this steroid lasts 6-12 weeks. At the end of the course, it is necessary to pass post-course therapy and make a pause before the next course (if it is necessary).

Combination with other drugs:

In fact, there can be many variations of the cycles with Tren Enanthate, as the properties of the drug are universal, and therefore, depending on your goals, experience, you can combine the drug with absolutely any AAS.

For a qualitative increase in muscle, the best combination for you will be Tren Enanthate + Test Propionate + Turinabol, with the following dosages:

Enanthate - 200 mg per week, Propionate - 100 mg on Monday and 100 mg on Thursday, Turinabol - 40 mg daily. The course lasts 8 weeks. On the 10th day, Proviron is connected - 25 mg daily ending in the 8th week. A week before the end of the course, PCT - Clomid (50-100 mg daily) is connected for two weeks.

For the growth of muscle strength and volume, it is recommended to take Trenbolone E with Testosterone E. In this case, the dosages will be distributed as follows: Trenbolone - 200 mg weekly, Testosterone - 500 mg weekly, Gonadotropin - 500 IU every third day. This course lasts 6 weeks. In the first week after completing the course, start taking Tamoxifen or Clomiphene Citrate.

Within the optimal doses, androgenic adverse effects are very rare, and there are no estrogenic and progestational ones. However, due to strong levels of androgens in the blood, the natural production of testosterone can be significantly reduced - this can usually lead to testicular atrophy.

The most common adverse effects are:

  • Female: signs of virilization, inhibition of ovarian function, menstrual irregularities, hypercalcemia.
  • Men during puberty: bladder irritation, gynecomastia, priapism.
  • In older men, hypertrophy and / or prostate cancer.
  • Men and women - peripheral edema, impaired liver function, blood.


Trenbolone Enanthate is medical product and requires following recommendations of using and storing. It should be stored in a cool dark place, avoiding direct sunlight. It’s also necessary to prevent applying this drug by children.

You MUST consult with your attending physician before you start using Tren 100. We also ask you to take into account that this drug may cause some side effects, some of them can be life-threatening. If you notice any disturbing symptoms you should to contact with your physician immediately. In some cases, it is necessary to stop taking the drug for a while. Also you must inform your doctor if you taking this drug with other medicines, so your physician can prescribe a proper treatment plan and help to avoid any unpleasant adverse effects.