Tren Hex or Parabolan are the trade names of the large ester Trenbolone. This drug was in the market in the late 60’s by Negma. This drug had great therapeutic benefits in the treatment of weight wasting diseases and osteoporosis in most cases. However, this drug can no longer be found in the pharmaceutical market any more.
Parabolan is a 19-nortestosterone derivative and it’s a lot similar to Trenbolone, but the difference in its structure allows it to be released much slower and longer duration than Trenbolone. The change in its structure also increase the hormone androgen ability to bind, it also inhibits and prevent the hormone from aromatizing.
Tren Hex is a potent anabolic androgenic steroid that carries a very high rating if compared row testosterone. This hormone holds a rating of 500 while testosterone holds 100. With this high rating, it is easier to understand the anabolic properties and benefits that its grants. This anabolic steroid has the ability to enhance protein synthesis in cells and increases nitrogen retention into the muscles leading to higher anabolic status. Another benefits that should be mentioned is that this drug can increase red blood cell count and enhance IGF-1 output, thereby increasing oxygenation throughout the whole body and increasing recovery rate and performance.
What makes this drug standout of the pack is that it enhances nutrient efficiency. This means that you will benefit for every gram of food that you take, every single protein that you consume will count. There for more benefit will be gained from your diet and less wasted.
According to a number of properties, the basic substance of this agent is significantly stronger than testosterone and exceeds some of its indicators. It really will help to significantly increase the power characteristics and gain weight. Trenbolone-based drugs do not convert to estrogen as a result of aromatization, and estradiol does not accumulate in the blood.
However, the steroid cannot be considered completely harmless - it also provokes standard side effects, including gynecomastia and its consequences. Parabolan (Tren Hex), the price of which will pleasantly surprise every customer, should be purchased in the original packaging, which protects against low-quality, and, sometimes, dangerous, fakes.
If you decide to buy Parabolan, it is very important to draw up the course correctly. Since the substance can suppress the secretion of endogenous testosterone, athletes suffer from problems with erection, impaired sexual desire and even from a decrease in the testicles. But in general, this property of trenbolone - progesterone activity - does not occur very often and only in case of a noticeable excess in dosage.
Parabolan steroid, the price of which makes it affordable for everyone, is not used correctly by every athlete. Many beginners specifically overestimate the amount of the drug in order to achieve the fastest effect, but, as a rule, it is fraught with negative consequences for the body. To avoid the occurrence of side symptoms and protect yourself from analogues, it is recommended to buy Parabolan only if there are certificates of product quality. This should be done after consultation with the trainer, especially for beginners, whose body is not yet adapted for taking sports pharmacological preparations.
Parabolan 100 has an amazingly physique changing properties, that is why this drug is used in cutting cycles. However this drug can be also used off season as a bulking steroid too. The Tren Hex dosage is measured by amount of ampoules taking per week; since every ampoule contains 50mg of active Trenbolone Hex. The most common used dose is 3-4 ampoules per week, this dose is enough to see results regarding performance enhancement and hard mass gains. Some mentioned that a dose of 1-2 per week were also helpful. A period of 8-10 weeks of use is the slandered period. This drug stacks well with other anabolic steroid, like with Winstrol if you are looking for a leaner appearance, or with Dbol if you are bulking.
Parabolan is not what you would call a friendly anabolic steroid regarding side effects as most of people say, actually it can cause some.
Here are some of the side effects that it might cause and how to manage them or avoid them if possible:
Tren Hex 100 is medical product and requires following recommendations of using and storing. It should be stored in the cool dark place, avoiding direct sunlight. It’s also necessary to prevent applying this drug by children.
Before ordering and starting to use Tren Hex 100 you MUST consult with your attending physician. We also ask you to take into account that this drug may cause some side effects, some of them can be life-threatening. If you notice any disturbing symptoms you should to contact your physician immediately. In some cases, it is necessary to stop taking the drug for a while. Also you must inform your doctor if you taking this drugs with other medicines. So physician can prescribe proper treatment and help to avoid any unpleasant adverse effects.